Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Migraine Headache

The medical definition of a headache is pain or discomfort that is not only confined to the head, but also in the scalp or neck. While headaches are a common discomfort, the very serious ones are rare.

For more information visit

Cure Your Migraine

Monday, 11 December 2006

How to cure your migraine

Being an over-medicated society and given the tendency of doctors and patients to want quick relief from pain, an increasing number of people who have been bitterly disappointed with drugs and conventional medication in their limited ability to prevent headaches and migraines are now turning towards natural ways of dealing with their symptoms.

For more information visit

Cure Your Migraine

Friday, 8 December 2006

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Migraine Headache Diagnosis


You decide to make that doctor’s appointment. Prepare yourself

for a whole battery of questions because the doctor will want to

scrutinize every detail you provide. A patient’s history is frequently

the first line of questioning and can be an effective diagnostic tool if

the doctor is thorough in his questioning and the patient is truthful and

willing to take part in his/her treatment.

Making the correct headache diagnosis is crucial; without it,

treatment is next to impossible. The most vital aspect then of the

headache assessment is the patient’s headache history which only the

patient (or his parents, if the headache sufferer is a child) can provide.

Just like the principles that guide journalists as to the why,

where, what, when and how of news reporting, a patient’s headache

history will include the same information, including his feelings when

the headache begins.


Monday, 4 December 2006

Headaches & Migraines

Why See a Doctor for Just a Headache?
The simple answer is: to make sure it’s just a headache or
migraine caused by known trigger factors.
The more elaborate answer would be: to make sure that if the
headache is a symptom of an underlying disease, that disease better
be examined and treated immediately.
©2006 31
Obviously, there’s no need to run to the nearest clinic or ring the
doctor in the middle of the night every time one feels a headache. In
ninety-five percent of the time, headaches – and some migraines – are
not caused by any serious disorder.
However, headaches and migraines may be the first warning
signs of serious diseases like a brain tumor, meningitis, brain
hemorrhage (which could mean a potential stroke), a head/neck
injury, an eye disease (like glaucoma) and other such conditions.
We have compared some authors’ reports about specific
situations where seeing a doctor is necessary......

Learn How To Stop Your Headaches and Migraines NOW!, visit:-


Sunday, 3 December 2006

Migraine Headache

Headaches, however, if painful and frequent, can drive anyone
out of their mind. While some manage to get away with a headache
that goes away after a few hours, some aren’t as lucky. Their
headaches could be a migraine headache and it could last for days, in
a few cases, a week or two.

For more information, goto:-


Friday, 1 December 2006

Stop Your Headaches & Migraines Right Now!

If you want to say goodbye to headaches and migraines for good I recommend you try this ebook which is full of tips and techniques on how to get rid of your pain......
